Wednesday, 6 March 2013


You all thought I was a normal person, well I am now after having plastic surgery.  I found that children were frightened of me, adults turned their faces, and animals ran from me as fast as they could!  I had this thirst for any liquid that was red.  Here is a picture of me that I left for my husband when I went away on an art course  so that he didn't miss me too much.  The art course didn't last too long, as I was the only person left in the end.  They said there was a curse on the building, and they heard howling noises at night.  I never heard anything at all!

Anyway when I came home I had a lot of toothache and when I went to the plastic surgeon he suggested surgery around my mouth and suggested I needed contact lenses. I cursed him for amount the work cost me. £££££  He has now disappeared. They say that  Dr Acula left after my surgery.  I wonder why ?


  1. Who's been playing with PhotoShop then??? LOL

    I'm phoning for Buffy right now

    1. Er photoshop, what's that then? And who is Buffy?

  2. Now Polly I think you might be practicing your art with photoshop - doesn't matter made me smile - thank you. Have a delightful day.

    1. If I made you smile it was worth the time it took to work out what to do to transform myself into something beautiful! Thanks for popping by.

  3. Buffy is 'the Vampire Slayer' from TV in the late 90s (never watched her myself but she was popular with the men)!

  4. Did she have a nice set of teeth like mine? nrn
