Saturday, 8 September 2012

Painting & Senior Citizens Olympics


Art Classes start on Monday and I am going to take in work that I did on a course a took with
Alvaro Castagnet in Yorkshire.  He is a genius, it's like watching a magic trick when he demonstrates.  I painted really badly on this course (I'll whisper the word crap comes to mind).  Out of my comfort zone completely.  Should I take my work in to the teacher or not?

Alvaro's masterpiece painted in about 35 minutes with such ease!

My painting, a battle from start to finish!
Breakthrough for Battling Beryl Bardot of  France.  The 8 year record for Dead Pigeon shooting smashed!!!!  The event has at last bagged it's first Live Pigeon.  Ecstatic reviews from the Animal Unprotection League who have confirmed that this was a flutter in the right direction

1 comment:

  1. Only you could write crap across a painting and then publish it on your blog for all the world to it!

    I think you definitely should take your work to the art class. I can't believe how critical of your work you are when you are SOOOOOOO good.
