Sunday, 21 October 2012


Well Halloween is nearly upon us.  Just in case you're going out for a meal for the occasion, may I recommend the restaurant below.  The food was rather good, also the blood red wine - but if you are a vegetarian do not go there.
Oh what a tangled web we weave...................

This was done using masking fluid first and then having fun with wet in wet.  Not my usual style being a bit abstract.

By the way, it took me over 4 hrs yesterday to insert the little slideshow at the top of the page.  I am stupid or what?  Finished at 1am this morning and went to bed with a smile.  I am always so chuffed when mastering something on the computer that I think I can't.  I think it looks good too!



  1. You are leaving me standing, you clever girl. That slideshow is fantaatic, you must come and give me some training, not that I have as many pictures to display as your wonderful collection. You are my biggest inspiration and I am so proud to be your friend.

    1. You know how to bring a tear to someones eye! The feeling is mutual too. By the way Lord and Lady Nuggle have opened up Nuggle Hall to Weddings, can you imagine the splendid surroundings, I am thinking of renewing my vows there.
